Ping G LE Women's 4H,5H,6-9,pw,sw Iron - Graphite
Designed to Inspire.
The 17-4 stainless steel Ping G LE Women's Ironsfeature COR-Eye Technology to create 11% thinner face to increase ball speed for higher launch and more distance for slower swing speeds.
- Perimeter weighting provides 19% tighter dispersion compare to previous model
- Lighter swingweights for easier club face squaring and improved accuracy
- Iron (17-4 stainless steel) features COR-Eye Technology to create 11% thinner face to increase ball speed for higher launch and more distance for slower swing speeds.
- Perimeter weighting provides 19% tighter dispersion compare to previous model
- Hybrid features thin, CarTech 455 face to increase launch and ball speed for more distance
- Lighter swingweights for easier club face squaring and improved accuracy

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