Stability Putter Tip 355 Ultra Stiff 125g 37" Tip 355
220 cm (Length) x 210 cm (Width) x 200 cm (Height)
Stability Putter Shafts Do Sink More Putts

With 46% of your strokes in a round coming from your putter, maybe you should consider changing the ''stock steel'' shaft in your putter to the new STABILITY putter shaft from BreakThrough Golf Technology.
It's All About Stability At Impact
According to multiple sources (SAM Putt Lab, Quintec, TrackMan Putter Analysis), if you miss hit your putt as little as a quarter of an inch off the ''sweet'' spot, the torque of a traditional steel shaft can cause you to miss a 10 foot putt as much as two inches.
STABILITY Shaft and EvnRoll Putter Success Story
Behind the Technology
By making the tip of the putter shaft more stable, without adversely affecting feel, the STABILITY shaft Is a combination of carbon fiber, aluminum insert and connector, and a smoke PVD covered stainless steel tip. This combination creates, drum roll please, more STABILITY at impact, less dispersion and more distance consistency.
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